Willow Pond Farm Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
Breeding for LegenDAIRY Production & Conformation
Located in Northern VA~Members AGS/ADGA/CGC/VSDGA
copyright 2022 - all rights reserved
During the COVID-19 pandemic, self-sufficiency is more important than ever before. We’d like to address PRODUCTION and CONFORMATION. Why are both important? Put simply, FUNCTION follows FORM. Since 2007, we have eschewed the notion of a “show string” and a “herd string.” We have purposefully bred show-quality animals that PRODUCE. For us, shows have been a great source of feedback from discerning judges as to structural strengths and weaknesses and have guided us in improving our breeding program. What do the high LA scores, Grand Champion titles, Superior Genetics, and milk stars in our pedigrees mean? They mean we’ve done the work to prove that when you buy a Waterloo Pond goat you are buying a structurally correct animal with the ability to put milk in the pail (does) and pass those strengths on reliably to their offspring (bucks and does). We have many repeat buyers who understand the importance of building a herd with quality animals. You do get what you pay for and it’s worth remembering that an inferior animal costs as much to feed and care for as a better quality animal - perhaps even more if their genetic composition does not extend to healthy animals with parasite resistance. Our 100% clean herd is tested annually for CAE, CL, and Johnes and we had need of a vet only twice in 2019 - for a kidding issue and for health papers for the state fair, where we won Grand Champion and Best of Breed in the Senior Doe Show and Reserve Grand Champion in the Junior Doe Show against serious and worthy competition. Our participation in DHIR milk test means there is hard data to prove our does have long, level lactations that are above and beyond the breed average. Since seeing is believing, take a look at what proven production means here!
Reservations are free to make. After reading our terms of sale, kindly emial us at
DDL@NDGOATS.com to place your reservation.
Simply LegenDAIRY:
STRONG Conformation. PROVEN Production.
Willow Pond Farm
Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats